“The difference Tai Chi has made to our pupils and staff is tangible. The professional delivery of programmes/sessions by Tai Chi Earth’s experts, Marian and Pete, has impacted upon the physical and emotional equilibrium of so many individuals. An essential and highly recommended addition to daily life - Thank you.”
Head Teacher - Primary Special School
“Tai Chi has made an amazing difference to our class...It is something which is integral to our day. We use the calm and focus exercises as a tool to distract and calm the children. Even better and more important is the way the children are using this at home. Unprompted a child has told us when he gets angry at home he uses these techniques to calm himself and he says - ‘and it works’!”
Teacher - Primary Special School
Our clients loved the balance and peace associated with the sessions. Amongst all the chaos we could find our inner peace and quiet.
Group Leader - Day Centre for Adults with Disabilities
“The Tai Chi has been really beneficial. It has helped him (Key Stage 2 Child) to calm down more quickly.”
Teacher - Primary Special School
“After doing the Tai Chi exercises he (child in KS1) used both hands to pull out a box from a cupboard. He usually needs prompts to use both hands.”
Teacher - Primary Special School
“What a lovely session, both Pete and Marian were in creative control and not only our Rainbows but their leaders enjoyed the themed sessions thoroughly. We definitely recommend them for a fun-filled time.”
Group Leader - Rainbows
Tai Chi was really awesome with Marian and Pete, very accessible to all types of people and loved by everyone who has partaken in a class.
Group Leader - Day Centre for Adults with Disabilities
“When I get angry or sad, I do the moves and I feel calm.”
Pupil - Primary Special School
“It’s really calm.”
Pupil - Primary Special School
“I like this one - cloud hands (while doing the move).”
Pupil - Primary Special School
“Last week I got really angry in the ICT suite but I did some of these (showing one of the moves with accompanying breathing) - I did 4 of them . And it made me o.k.”
Pupil - Primary Special School
“It was really cool, like chilling out.”
Pupil - Primary Special School
Tai Chi has been great for my autistic son. We were driving somewhere and his anxiety was increasing - without prompting or supports, he began using his Tai Chi deep breathing exercise. It's great to see my son linking skills learnt to everyday life. Thanks, Marian and Pete for your Tai Chi programme.
Parent of Pupil - Secondary Special School
“I was very pleased that he enjoys Tai Chi. He has really taken to it, he loves Cloud Hands and the relaxation with his breathing. I got him to show me and he was very proud to show me.”
Parent of Pupil - Primary Special School
“He had such a great time and went to bed early without having seizures. This was a great breakthrough. :)”
Parent of Child - Disability Holiday Programme
The Tai Chi he has done in school with Marian has given him the skills to put into practise deep breathing when he is facing challenges that increase his anxiety. The expanding ball that Marian used was available in the classroom and one day when my son was feeling anxious he went and got the ball without any prompting, took it back to his desk and used it for deep breathing. A breakthrough moment for sure.
Parent of Pupil - Secondary Special School
“I have found the classes have benefited me in a number of ways. I have improved my balance, strength and feeling of calm wellbeing. I find your teaching styles most effective and safe, the pace is measured and unhurried and your positive encouraging approach is most rewarding. I really look forward to the classes and find I can use the breathing and warm up exercises in my everyday life to enhance my relaxation.”
Adult Participant - Community Class
“These sessions are extremely well run, creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility with gentle exercise, making a haven in a very unsettled world. Marian and Pete are very precise in instructing us and at the same time making the sessions fun. All those attending get along very well and we even find time for social interaction.”
Adult Participant - Community Class
“Coming to Pete and Marian’s Tai Chi class is such a calming experience. Their classes are informative, varied and sociable but above all enjoyable. They have patience and are supportive to all abilities explaining the moves with sensitivity and I am sure everyone benefits on a fitness level...I would certainly recommend their classes. An hour of quality time where you can forget about the pressures of everyday life and I for one am thankful.”
Adult Participant - Community Class